My saturday was great. Ok except for the injured wrist and my aching neck.
Went to train despite u know being lazy on a saturday morning.
It was well worth it anyway.being able to make myself useful for once.
Anw anw. Had late brunch at two at all time favorite eating place - AL AZHAR.
GOsh.i havent been there since ages. Had my favorite mee kuah. and that was not
enough and had to order another cheese prata. fuhh.
I think this weekend is makan besar weekend for me.
Plus im not working these 2 days too. Ooh. and off on leave on monday and tuesday.
Ok. so then went home and slack and got ready for dinner.
Dinner with some friends whom I havent seen in years. usual. they are late. sheesh. but all's good.
So here are some pictures. makan besar.

haha.faseha loves the gong gongs.haha.
after that we headed to valley point for some starbucks coffee.
Did alot of catching up and discussion of certain issues.
and that certain particular issue seems to be the center of discussion.

the alumnis

the girls

the ex lovers

the coffee which dint have any effect of caffeine

and my very distracting girlfriend.
ooooh. and im going have a meal later with mommy at nearby spize.
makan besar lagiiiiiiiiiii.
hey you. congrats on your acceptance to your internship.
Faizal Fernandez
11:45 AM
Me: hey. U deserve a break.
Pulsar: huh...????? What abt u?
Me: Dunt worry abt me. I'll be fine gg public.
Pulsar: u sure?
Me: Yeah. U've worked hard today. Rest well.
So tht was e convo between me and my bike. Haha.
Btw. Ive had a nice dream last night.
A dream that would bring me great joy if it were to come true.
To you: keep working hard aye. Dunt give up.
PS: Bile nak kelua makan ni. Asik busy ajek.
Salams everyone
Faizal Fernandez
9:50 PM